IFA Financial Advisers in Surrey

IFA Web Pro: Latest News
on Newsletters, Web Development and SEO

Do SSL Certificates affect your ranking?

12th September 2017

Secure Certificates, if all things being equal will effect your Google rankings, it's a smart SEO move

Security has always been a priority for Google and announced it was to use HTTPS as a ranking signal, so far we haven't seen much change, but it's coming.

Chrome is marking non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in the URL bar. In a way that's not surprising since Secure Certificates (SSL) have always been used/needed to encrypt and secure data transfer.

Eventually, Chrome will show a Not Secure warning for all pages served over HTTP, regardless of whether or not the page contains sensitive input fields. You should plan to migrate your site to use HTTPS for all pages.
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Are you getting the most from your financial website?

12th September 2017

It is somewhat unusual in today's online world to come across an IFA without a website.

However not all sites are the same. We certainly work incredibly hard to give our clients value for money, including marketing material on a regular basis together with advice for getting ahead.

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What makes us different to other IFA Website providers?

19th October 2017

How we think our financial adviser websites compare

What makes us different? It's not always easy to pinpoint why you're offering something extra in the marketplace. But we feel we are doing just that.

We've asked prospects and existing clients what they thought.

We're Different

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